

Manufacturer of Iron Dextran100ml 15% Liquid Injection for Veterinary

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Sucrosomial® Iron is an innovative oral iron technology that transports iron pyrophosphate (ferric iron) in a matrix of phospholipids and sucrose fatty acid esters. This structure, called Sucrosome®, ensures high iron absorption and optimal gastrointestinal tolerance.
Iron is an essential element for the body. It promotes the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, supports the immune system and normal cognitive function, and supports growth in children and adolescents.
The reasons for the increased need for iron vary, but in all cases it is necessary to restore the balance of this nutrient in the body to facilitate certain normal physiological functions of the body.
Iron deficiency (ID) is a condition characterized by low levels of this mineral in the body, which, if not corrected, can lead to the clinical symptoms of anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) occurs when the body cannot provide the proper production of hemoglobin, which is necessary to ensure oxygenation of the body’s tissues and cells.
Source: Susana Gómez-Ramirez et al, Sucrosomial® Iron: New generation iron for improved oral intake.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines hemoglobin (Hb) values ​​as the normal range of 13-18 g/dl for men and 12-16 g/dl for women, below which iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed. Other important markers to consider in ID anemia are: ferritin (a storage protein containing up to 4500 iron atoms), transferrin saturation (%TSAT), as this glycoprotein transports iron to tissues and areas of the body of this mineral, and sideremia , which indicates the amount of iron bound to transferrin in the blood.
On the contrary, iron deficiency itself is not always manifested by hematological changes. In fact, hemoglobin levels may be within normal limits, but ferritin and transferrin saturations may be below normal. Deficiency can develop in IDA if it is not corrected in time.
Typically, ID is treated with oral iron salts (eg, ferrous sulfate), but traditional oral iron supplements are poorly absorbed by the body and cause gastrointestinal side effects that reduce patient compliance and often drop out of treatment.
This new patented technology is an innovative oral iron carrier in which iron pyrophosphate is transported in a matrix of phospholipids and sucrose esters.
The result is a high gastrointestinal tolerance and better absorption of iron at the intestinal level. In recent years, many scientific data (preclinical and clinical trials) have been published in international journals confirming the effectiveness of Sucrosomial® technology.
In vitro studies have shown that gastric resistance is mainly related to the sucrose ester matrix, which protects iron from acidic gastric juice.
This allows Sucrosome® to fully reach the intestinal mucosa and be absorbed by the intestinal epithelial cells in two ways: paracellular and transcellular.
In addition, in the gastrointestinal tract, the theca cells (M-cells) of the Peyer’s-Peyer’s lymph nodes are also involved in the absorption of Sucrosomial® iron. In fact, studies have shown that these cells are able to participate in the uptake of sucrose® and its transport to the lymphatic system.
The science behind Sucrosomeal® Iron shows that this new technology allows the intestines to absorb iron and distribute it to targeted tissues.
Given its structure similar to chylomicrons (intestinal lipoproteins capable of transporting lipophilic substances), it can be assumed that Sucrosomial® Iron reaches the liver, where, under the action of lysosomal enzymes, hepatocytes are able to metabolize the phospholipid matrix and provide pyrophosphate iron. binds to transferrin and then is distributed to tissues, especially to the bone marrow, where new red blood cells are formed.
Several studies in the scientific literature have demonstrated the effectiveness of Sucrosomial® Iron Supplement in many clinical settings where iron deficiency is common, such as: gynecology, oncology, nephrology, cardiology and especially gastroenterology.
In gastroenterology, ID and IDA are the most common systemic complications of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and obesity. All these pathologies lead to chronic inflammation, which limits the absorption and use of iron by the body. In patients with functional ID, conventional oral iron supplementation usually does not resolve this problem due to post-inflammatory production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines stimulate the production and elevation of hepcidin, a peptide hormone produced by the liver that acts by lowering serum iron concentrations. Numerous gastroenterological studies have shown that supplementation with Sucrosomial® Iron restores the normal hematologic range by promoting normal red blood cell and hemoglobin function.
The innovative feature of the Sucrosomial® technology is its superior tolerability, which allows long-term iron intake at any time of the day (with or without meals) and prevents any general discomfort associated with iron intake, such as metallic and unpleasant taste, skin irritation. . stomach lining, nausea or constipation. Sucrosomial® Iron overcomes the limitations associated with traditional iron supplementation to increase the intake of this important nutrient for all iron deficiency conditions or increased iron requirements.
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SG-R. There is nothing to declare; EB is an employee of Alesco Srl; GT is an employee of Pharmanutra SpA; MM has received consulting, lecture and/or travel support fees from Pharmacosmos, Vifor Pharma, Zambon, Pharmanutra, Sandoz and Celgene, among others, and is a member of the editorial board of Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimacion, “Intensive Medicine” and “Blood Transfusion” “.
Pharma Nutra Spa. (March 20, 2023). New technologies to combat iron deficiency. News – Med. Retrieved July 11, 2023 from https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20220517/A-new-technology-to-counter-iron-deficiency.aspx.
Pharma Nutra Spa. “New technologies to combat iron deficiency”. News – Med. July 11, 2023 .
Pharma Nutra Spa. “New technologies to combat iron deficiency”. News – Med. https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20220517/A-new-technology-to-counter-iron-deficiency.aspx. (As of July 11, 2023).
Pharma Nutra Spa. 2023. New technologies to solve the problem of iron deficiency. News Medical, accessed 11 July 2023, https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20220517/A-new-technology-to-counter-iron-deficiency.aspx.
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Post time: Jul-11-2023